Sigma Xi HeadquartersMcGill-Montréal Chapter (1921)


Friday, April 4, 2003

The McGill Chapter of Sigma Xi cordially invites you to attend the 81st annual banquet and lecture. This year's festivities include a visit to the McCord Museum for Kenneth Laws' lecture, followed by dinner at the elegant French restaurant Le Caveau.  


4:00 p.m.   

Arrive at the McCord Museum of Canadian History,
690 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, QC.
Attendees are free to visit the entire museum.

5:30 p.m.   

Sigma Xi Annual Banquet Lecture


Kenneth Laws
Emeritus Professor,
Department of Physics,
Dickinson College, Pa

Physics and Dance-in the Same Breath?

Click to see abstract

7:00 p.m.   

Arrive at Le Caveau, 2063 Victoria Street, Montreal, QC
Cash bar available to attendees

7:30 p.m.   

Sigma Xi Annual Banquet and Ceremonies
Le Caveau

Banquet Menu *
Soup of the Day
Mixed Salad
Chicken scallopine with procuitto and cheese
Fresh Fish or the day
Saute of beef provencale
Desert of the Day
Coffee - Tea

*Vegetarian meal also available upon request


Price*: $40 per person, members and guests

            $30 per person, graduate students

            $25 per person, new initiates

* Price includes admission to McCord Museum,
banquet meal and one glass of wine

Maximum of 50 attendees

To attend this event, send your payment and information slip to:

Cecile Malardier-Jugroot
Dept. of Chemistry, McGill Univeristy
801 Sherbrooke Street W
Montreal, QC H3A 2K6

by Friday, March 21st, 2003 !!

Cheques are payable to McGill Chapter Sigma Xi. Please write separate cheques for banquet & membership dues.

Monies MUST be received by the 21st of March.

Follow this link to view the printable information slip that must accompany your payment.

Canadian Interdisciplinary Research Society: Sigma Xi